Fish Species - Page 1
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WA Fish Species Caught on Murchison Boat Hire Boats

Dhufish (Glaucosoma Hebraicum)
Everyone wants to catch one. Grows to around 15kgs in Kalbarri waters. Caught over rock and reef. Schools up in shallow water to spawn in June/July when many are caught. More...

Pink Snapper (Chrysophrys Auratus)
Much sought after bottom species. Grows to about 10kg in Kalbarri waters. More common in winter over reef structure when they move inshore. More...

Red Emperor (Lutjanus Sebae)
A tropical snapper with a reddish to pink body and red fins, found over soft corals in 45m or more. More...

Coral Trout (Plectropomus Leopardus)
An uncommon catch, a bonus when hooked, five star eating. More...

Baldchin Groper (Choerodon rubescens)
Hard fighting and top quality table fish. Grows to about 8kgs in Kalbarri waters. Found over coral outcrops. More...

Black-Spot Tuskfish (Choerodon Schoenleinii)
Same family as the Baldchin Groper but found in more tropical waters. More...

Spangled Emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus)
Not very common in Kalbarri but great to catch. Same habits & locations as pink snapper. Min. size 410mm & 2 per licence holder. More...

Redthroat Emperor (Lethrinus miniatus)
One of the common nor’west snappers, caught on most reef edges. Great eating, but don’t grow much bigger than this in Kalbarri. Minimum size 280mm Max 2 per licence holder. More...

Sweetlip Emperor (Lethrinus sp.)
Another variation of minatus species is Sweetlip emperor. Another redthroat variety. More...

Blue-Spotted (Grass) Emperor (Lethrinus Choeorhynchus)
One of the many nor’west snapper that are abundant in the North West of Western Australia. Easily caught on any bait and usually a by catch while fishing for larger species. More...

Long-spined snapper (Argyrops spinifer)
Frypan Bream. Rarely caught but of interest. Has a very long red spine in the top dorsal fin. Best released. More...

Threadfin emperor (Lethrinus genivittatus)
Very common over sand and weed bottoms near reef. Grows to about 250mm, so not a target species. More...

Saddletail Snapper or sea perch (Lutjanus malabaricus)
Uncommon catch in the Kalbarri area but becoming more common. Mainly caught north of Shark Bay. Category one species, good eating. 2 per licence holder. More...

Painted sweetlips (Diagramma labiosum)
Or Sand Snapper. Fairly common catch, pull like hell. poor eating quality especially when they get into this size range, Min. size 300mm. More...

Gold spotted sweetlips (Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus)
A common catch, not worth keeping due to poor eating quality. Min. size 300mm. Also known as Morwong More...

Brownstripe Snapper or Seaperch (Lutjanus vitta)
Another uncommon catch, this one took a bait set for snapper on good reef structure in 25m of water. More...

Stripey Snapper or Seaperch (Lutanus carponotatus)
One of the many variations of seaperch that occasionally show up in the catch. More...

Yellow Emperor or Barred Soapfish (Diploprion bifasciatum)
Also known as a soap fish. First one ever to be caught in Kalbarri waters to my knowledge. usually found much further north. Can be bought as an aquarium fish! More...

Estuary Cod (Epinephelus coioides)
Small ones are common but big ones are hard to get up from the bottom. Min. size limit 400mm. Maximum size 1000mm or 30kgs. 2 per licence holder More...

Rankin cod (Epinephelus multinotatus)
Real name white-blotched rockcod, but better known as rankin cod. A great catch over good reef country, with some fish up to 9kgs. Very good eating & fortunatly getting more common in Kalbarri. Bag limit 2 per licence holder no size limit. More...