Fish Species - Page 4
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WA Fish Species Caught on Murchison Boat Hire Boats

Smooth Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna zygaena)
Makes itself known by snooping around boats and then easily caught by tossing a bait to it. Fights well when it finds out that it is hooked! 3 per licence holder. More...

Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus Oxyrinchus)
Snoops around boats looking for an easy feed. Takes hooked fish from anglers. One of the great sport fishing sharks due to it’s explosive jumps and powerful runs. 3 per licence holder. More...

Whaler Shark (Carcharhinus species)
Sharks are hard to identify, and are not usually kept by anglers. Big sharks have a build up of heavy metals so any fish over 1.5m is a health risk to eat. They are frequently caught from the bottom as a by catch and usually bite through the line before being brought to the boat. More...

Greynurse Shark (Carcharias taurus)
One of the protected shark species. Fairly common over good reef areas on the west coast, but threatened from over fishing on the east coast. A protected species, must be released. More...

Whiskery Shark (Furgaleus macki)
Incidental bycatch caught on the bottom. One of the better eating shark species. 3 per angler. Other Names: Mack's Whiskery Shark, Reef Shark. More...

Pencil Shark (Hypogaleus hyugaensis)
Northern most range for this species. Sometimes misidentified as a gummy shark. Caught as a bycatch over reef areas. Grows to about 1.5m and has small fine teeth. Thrashes around a lot when landed. 3 per angler. More...

Giant Shovelnose Ray (Glaucostegus typus)
A big fish caught from the beaches along the “Coral Coast” mainly at night. Difficult to land due to it’s never give up attitude and relative large size. 3 per angler. More...

Banded Wobbegong (Orectolobus ornatus)
Quite a common catch over reef areas. Feels like a heavy weight when pulling it up to the surface. Very little edible flesh on a fish this size, so best released. Can grow to 3 metres in length. 3 per angler. More...

Black Stingray, Bathytoshia lata
Caught infrequently and very hard to stop and bring up from the bottom. Will not give up! Has poisonous spines at the base of it’s tail. Grows to 65kgs and 1800mm dia. disc. More...

Cookiecutter Shark (Isistius brasiliensis)
This is the bite on a tuna from one of these two species of sharks. A surface feeding shark that has a bio-luminescent underside that blends with the bright ocean surface and brown bar at its’ throat which acts as a lure to attract predators. The cookiecutter then turns on the predator and takes a cookiecutter shaped bite. Grows to 50cm and is worldwide. More...

Grey Drummer (Kyphosus bigibbus)
A weed eating fish that does not usually take bait. Can be tempted with a small bait cast among a burley trail. Grows to 6kg and is a strong fighter. Flesh is full of iodine from weed eating thus unpalatable. More...

Blackvein Parrotfish (Scarus rubroviolaceus)
This is a female of the species. A fish, caught mainly on reef with little fishing pressure. Easily fished out and not common. More...

Blackvein Parrotfish (Scarus rubroviolaceus)
This is the male of the species. Caught over lightly fished reef areas. More...

Tailor (Pomatomus saltatrix)
Jumbo tailor abound in Kalbarri. Fish the white water around reef breaks. Best times – early morning & late evening. Min. size 300mm & 8 per angler with max 2 fish over 500mm. More...

Black Bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri)
The most targeted and common in the river estuary and right up river. Prawn baits soft plastics and small minow lures. More...

Catfish (Netuma thalassina)
Unusual catch, occasional specimens take bait while fishing for reef fish. Grows to around 600mm here but much bigger further north. Saltwater caught fish can be eaten & said to be good. More...

Spotted javelinfish (pomadasys kaakan)
Not often caught but takes baits set for black bream in the river. Southern range for this warm water fish. Min. size 300mm. More...

Bar-tailed flathead (Platycephalus endrachtensis)
Small specimens are abundant over sand, but larger specimens like this one are found close to reef. Usually a bycatch but good eating. Minimum size 300 & 8 per person. More...

Tarwhine (Rhabdosargus sarba)
Some times called silver bream. Inhabits coral reefs in shallow water up to 25m. Juveniles found in the estuary. Bites and fights like a snapper. Min. size 250mm & 6 per angler. More...

Mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus)
Caught mainly at night, evening or morning from shore. Occasional fish caught from boats on reef structure during the day. Minimum size 500mm & 2 per angler. More...