Fish Species - Page 3

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WA Fish Species Caught on Murchison Boat Hire Boats

Yellowfin Tuna

Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares)

Very strong fighters. A challenge on any tackle. Caught mainly on lures set for mackerel and tend to come from 25m deep or more areas. No size limit & 3 per licence holder. More...

Mackerel tuna

Mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis)

Not a very common tuna for this area. Identified by the stripes on the back and 3 small dots on the belly. Grows to around 10kg taking lures and chrome slices cast to working schools. No size limit, 3 per angler. More...

Longtail Tuna

Longtail Tuna, (Thunnus tonggol)

A common fish caught on all the reef systems around Kalbarri. Also know as black arse cod because of the black marking on anal vent. Good eating. Also known as Black-arse Cod. More...

Skipjack Tuna

Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)

A very fast swimming tuna that changes direction quickly when hooked. Great little fighters caught mainly from February to May. Does not grow very big in Kalbarri with a 5kg fish the upper limit. No size limit, max 3 per licence holder. More...

Leaping Bonito

Leaping Bonito (Cybiosarda elegans)

A common fish but not often caught as it can be very fussy when feeding on particular baitfish and “matching the hatch” is vital. More...

Rainbow Runner

Rainbow Runner (Elagatis bipinnulata)

First one caught from our boats and only one I have known to be caught from Kalbarri waters. Normally caught higher up the coast. Fun to catch and fight hard. Found around structure in deep clean water. More...

Golden Trevally

Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus)

An uncommon catch in Kalbarri usually around August to October. Very tough fighters inhabiting good reef structure. No min. size limit max. 2 per licence holder. More...

Gold Spotted Trevally or Turrum, Carangoides fulvoguttatus

Turrum (Carangoides fulvoguttatus)

Also known as Gold Spotted Trevally. Similar habits and characteristics as the more common golden trevally. More...

Bludger Trevally

Bludger Trevally (Carangoides Gymnostethus)

A tough little trevally that inhabits the same structure as skippy, fights hard and easily confused with similar species, gold-spot trevally. More...

Club-Nosed Trevally

Club-Nosed Trevally (Carangoides Chrysophrys)

Very similar habits and characteristics as the skippy. Grows to about 60cm in Kalbarri area. More...



Pennantfish (Alectis ciliaris)

unusual for the Midwest region. This is a juvenile and it will loose it’s long fins when it matures. One of the many trevally species. More...

Silver Trevally

Silver Trevally, Skippy (Pseudocaranx georgianus)

These great little fighters are common in winter over good reef structure. They grow to quite respectable sizes in Kalbarri and are good eating. More...

Common Dart

Common Dart (Trachinotus botla)

A common catch usually taken as a by catch for anglers fishing for Mulloway and Tailor. Other Names: Black-spotted Swallowtail, Dart, Largespot Dart, Southern Swallowtail, Surf Bream. More...

Giant Queenfish

Giant Queenfish (Scomberoides commersonnianus)

The most common caught Queenfish species. Great sport-fishing target taking lures with gusto and jumping when hooked. poor quality eating. More...

Indio-Pacific Sailfish

Indio-Pacific Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus)

A much sort after game fish. Caught in accessible areas mainly north of Carnarvon and along it’s favoured haunts offshore from the Ningaloo Reef. Favoured depth range from 30m to 50mm. Nearly every fish hooked is released. More...

Black Marlin

Black Marlin (Istiompax indica)

A lucky few hook up to these game fish but are far too rare around Kalbarri. No size limit. 1 per angler. Other Names: Dombrains Marlin, D'ombrain's Marlin, Pacific Black Marlin, Silver Marlin, Southern Marlin. More...


Blue Marlin

Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans)

Deep water marlin found in over 300m off the continental shelf. This one was caught off the west side out from Exmouth. Other Names: Indo-Pacific Blue Marlin. More...


Mahi Mahi - Dolphinfish

Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena hippurus)

Exciting fish to catch, but not often caught. Leaps from the water frequently. Good eating fresh. Min. size 500mm & 3 per licence holder. Also known as Dolphinfish. More...


Sandbar Shark

Sandbar Shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)

Similar to the whalers, taking baits set for demersal fish. Puts up quite a fair account of itself. 3 per angler. More...

Bull shark

Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas)

A common shark that enters river estuaries and up river into the fresh water. A large robust shark that is responsible for many fatal attacks on humans. More...


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